Wow, this was a great year !
I can not remember from my past experience any of the year, which has fleet away so fast as this one. There has been many of the things happening and most of them I have really enjoyed. Few couple months from beginning were quite hard. Time to settle down everything and find out how the things are working took quite long, but I enjoyed! It is good to remember here, the Productization meeting at Newcastle, which helped me a lot. To meet the guys, working on the same things for various platforms/projects was inspiring.
We have established a process for the regular incremental patches of our Mobicents/ JBCP platform and even going through difficulties, we have delivered our distributions.
Meeting of the other team-mates in August was great time to enjoy the fact, that although I am here alone in Brno, there are other guys worldwide playing the same game as I do.
Cheers guys ! :)
Great experience for me was as well a RedHat developer conference here in Brno, where I had a chance to introduce Mobicents during my presentation.
Looking forward to next year, I am sure will be great :)
Well the fleet away thing, might be also by getting old ?... pfff , no way :)
OdpovědětVymazatit was great meeting you in Brno. Thanks so much for setting up so much great activities and showing us how good Czech Republic is and how much the locals are friendly :-)